Bell Choir History
1981 7/18/81 Bell Choir played for The Bracken and Pendelton Co. Hymn Sing at Carter's Chapel UMC.
1982 No data yet.
1983 6/19/83 Bell Choir and singers provided music for Eggleston UMC Revival.
1984 2/26/84 Bell Choir was at Erlanger UMC. In 1984 Bell Choir purchased red, white & black uniforms. 6/2/84 Bell Choir provided special music for Grant Co. Crusade for Christ. 11/4/84 Bell Choir and singers were at Woodspoint Rest Home for a program. 11/10/84 Bell Choir presented entertainment for Jimmie Rose Evangelistic Fellowship. 12/84 Bell Choir was honored to provide special music for Covington District Minister's Christmas Party.
1985 3/24/85 Bell Choir performed on Sunday at Walton UMC. 3/30/85 Bell Choir performed at Pine Grove UMC on Saturday. 5/85 Spring Revival was the 3rd through the 5th; Bell Choir provided special music for Sunday evening service. 7/7/85 attended Florence UMC to see Christ UMC, Salt Lake City, Utah, Bell Choir perform. 8/18/85 Hay ride & wiener roast - Carter's Chapel Bell Choir - Grant County Park, Crittenden, KY - speaker Dr. Walton Gardner. 9/22/85 Carter's Chapel Bell Choir and singers performed at Eggleston UMC. 10/13/85 Bell Choir performed at Neave UMC.
1986 through 1987 No data yet.
1988 Easter/88 Bell Choir provided a cantata at Carter's Chapel. 7/10/88 Bell Choir presented a program at Elsmere Baptist Church on Sunday evening. Either
9/18/88 or on 9/2/88 Bell Choir presented a gospel music program for Homecoming Service at Kenton Baptist Church. On Sunday evening, 10/30/88 Bell Choir presented a music program for Nicholson Church of Christ. On 12/11/88 Bell Choir presented Christmas program for Regency Manor Rest Home and, for Williamsburg Baptist Church.
1989 - 1996 No data yet.
1997 7:30 November 30th Bell Choir was at Wilmington Baptist. On the afternoon of December 14th Bell Choir went to Regency Manor; that night, Piner Baptist.
1998 No data yet.
1999 Bell Choir practiced on the following Sundays: February 28th, March 14th, March 21 and March 28th at 12:50 PM. October 31st, November 7th, November 14th and 21st practice was at 12:45 PM. Gardnersville Community Thanksgiving Service was Wednesday evening, November 24, 1999 at 7:30 PM at Gardnersville Baptist Church. All three churches were requested to provide special music. Bell Choir was at Wilmington Baptist, the evening of December 5th. Wednesday Evening the Bell Choir participated in the Independence Christmas Walk. On the afternoon of the 12th Bells were played at Ridgeway Manor. Bell Choir was part of the Christmas Program at Carter's Chapel on the 19th.
2000 Bell Choir practice was at 12:50 PM Sunday, January 16th. Bell Choir practiced February 27th at 12:45. March 12, 2000 Bell Choir practice was at 12:45 PM, Regency Manor was visited at 2:00 PM. There were handbell activities Sunday at 2:00 PM March 19th at Carmel Manor. Bell Choir went to Grant Manor at 2:00 PM Sunday, March 26th. Bell Choir went to Cane Manor Rest Home for Easter Services.
On the 22nd of October, Bell Choir practice at 12:45 PM, also on November 5th; November 12th. November 19th, Bell Choir practice at 1:15 PM. At 7:30 PM Wednesday, November 22nd, Bell Choir played at Carter's Chapel for Community Thanksgiving Services. December 3rd, Bell Choir practiced; also the afternoon of December 10th and in the evening at Wilmington Baptist. Christmas Program at Carter's Chapel with Bell Choir was at 5:00 PM Sunday, December 17th.
2001 March 11th 2001 Bell Choir practiced after worship service; played at 2:30 for Regency Manor. March 18th practiced at 12:45; was at Regency Manor at 2:30 PM. 3/16/01 Bell Choir had a program for Baptist Village Personal Care Home. March 18th 12:45 Bell Choir practiced. 3:00 PM March 25th Bell Choir was at Baptist Village. Bell practice was at 11:55 AM June 10th; Regency Manor 2:00 PM. Bell Choir practiced at 12:45 PM October 21st; Sunday, November 4th, 11th, and at 1:00 on the 18th. On the 21st handbells were played at Gardnersville Thanksgiving Service at the Christian Church. Bell Choir practiced on November 25th; also December 1st and 2nd; played for the Independence Walk at 6:00 PM on the 5th. Well as, 2:30 PM Regency Manor the afternoon of the 9th; Wilmington Baptist that evening. Bells were played for the Christmas Program at 5:00 PM on the 16th and/or the 23rd.