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1981, 120th year. There was a New Year's Eve Service.  Carter's Chapel compiled the following list. See if you can find more name variations than they did.


1982, 121st year.  No data yet.


1983, 122nd year.  In January, Carter's Chapel representatives attended a seminar at Highland UMC.  The administrative Council & Fellowship supper was in February. In March, The Kirsch Family presented a gospel music program. The same month, Rev. Anne Eason, Campus Director, Wesley Foundation at NKU, presented a program.


     Easter began with Resurrection Service, then breakfast and Holy Communion. Also, that April, the pastor completed a five-year ministerial study course.  A couple was married at Crescent Springs Baptist Church. In May, Mothers were recognized on Mother's Day. Two people were baptized & accepted into the church that month. There was an Administrative Council and cook-out on Saturday. The next day, Gospel Messengers of Augusta, KY, presented a music program.  In the week that followed, one couple was married. In June, another couple was married. There was a surprise birthday supper and welcome back for the pastor and wife.  Bell Choir and singers provided music for Eggleston UMC Revival. One person joined a church that month. July founded the Administrative Council & Fellowship Supper. The Sunday School Picnic and hay ride to the park in Crittenden were also that months. Rev. Jimmie Rose was the evangelist for a revival, with an average attendance of 26.  


Homecoming was in late August, with Rev. Ronald Tipton as the speaker. A barbershop quartet from Cincinnati provided special music for the event. Carter's Chapel received the District Per Capita Award from the Methodist Home in September. Aerial photos of the church were received in September. Charge Conference was that month; Dr. Eugene Barbour presiding. There was a Sunday School trip to the Cincinnati Zoo.   


Laity Sunday was observed in October. An evangelist revival featuring Dr. Harold Henson was held in the middle of the month; the average attendance was 36. Also, in October was a wiener roast and pumpkin planting. Early in November, a Gideon representative was at Carter's Chapel. Jubilee Studies of Methodism were completed in November. Community Thanksgiving Services were at Gardnersville Christian Church; Baptist Church provided the speaker. Youth Sunday was in November, and Youth was in charge of the services. For Clear Day at Immanuel UMC, Carter's Chapel was well represented.  A load of firewood was presented to the DS for Christmas.  Hark the Herald Angel was the Christmas program.  Carter's Chapel numbered among the eighteen churches of the Covington District that paid a hundred percent of Conference claims in 1983. There was a New Year's Eve program.   


     That year a new steeple was added to the church addition.  A water line & water heater were added. The Lottie May O'Grady Case Memorial was established at Carter's Chapel. A new exterior bulletin board was installed. A decision was made to air-condition the church.


 1984, 123rd year. In January, the church donated money to a family to help replace their home that was destroyed by fire. Administrative Council was postponed from February 9th to the 17th.  There was a Valentine's Party for the Youth. On February 26th, Bell Choir was at Erlanger UMC. Bell Choir purchased red, white & black uniforms. On June 2nd, the Bell Choir provided special music for Grant Co. Crusade for Christ.  


     On November 4th, Bell Choir & singers went to Woodspoint Rest Home for the program. On the 10th of November, Bell Choir presented entertainment for Jimmie Rose Evangelistic Fellowship. In December,r the Bell Choir was honored to provide special music for the Covington District Minister's Christmas Party.


1985, 124th year.  Temperance League Speaker was at Carter's Chapel on January 13th; offering taken.  Began once-a-month afternoon services at Regency Manor Rest Home, Independence, KY.  Carter's Chapel 'Baseball' caps were presented to the congregation during February. Carter's Chapel participated in the Favorite Hymn Survey of the Hymnal Revision Committee and picked five of the top ten Hymns nationwide.  On Sunday, March 24th, Bell Choir performed at Walton UMC.  On Saturday, March 30th, Bell Choir performed at Pine Grove UMC.   


     Easter Sunday, April 7th, included Resurrection Service, breakfast, program, morning worship, and Easter egg hunt. Ron & Diana French presented a gospel music program Sunday, April 14th.  On the 21st, The Kirsch Family also presented a gospel music program.  One person was baptized and joined the church on April 28th.  

There was wind damage to the church in April.  The insurance claim was insufficient to cover all damages.  


     Spring revival was held in May from the 3rd through the 5th; Dr. Harold Henson evangelist; Mr. Shirley Cummins, special music and Bell Choir, music for Sunday evening service—average attendance 43. On May 11th, there was an administrative council meeting, cookout, and birthday party for the pastor and wife. 


         Saturday, June 8t,h was a work day at the church. On July 6th, there was Administrative Council Meeting & fellowship supper. On the 7th: I attended Florence UMC to see Christ UMC, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Bell Choir perform. The Sunday School Picnic was at the Cincinnati Zoo; transportation was via Tank Bus. On August 18th, there was a wiener roast and hay ride at Grant County Park:  Bell Choir; speaker Dr. Walton Gardner. Homecoming was on the 25th of August.  The Miami Valley Boys provided music. 


     Charge Conference was on Tuesday, September 3rd; all reports are in order. At Annual Day on the 7th of that month, Carter's Chapel received Per Capita Giving Award for the Methodist Home for the Covington District. Carter's Chapel Bell Choir and singers performed at Eggleston UMC on September 22nd.  


     October 13th was Laity Sunday. Bell Choir performed at Neave UMC that same day. The Administrative Council fellowship supper was on October 19th. On the 20th, Carter's Chapel and Morningview UMC had a pastoral exchange.  The Gideons were at Carter's Chapel on the 27th; an offering was taken. 


     Community Thanksgiving Service was held Wednesday evening, November 27th, at Carter's Chapel.  All churches provided special music.  Rev. Adams, the pastor of Gardnersville Christian, was the speaker. In December, Carter's Chapel sent gifts to The Methodist Home. Christmas Program at the church was on December 22nd.  Jimmie Rose spoke at the Watch Night Service on New Year's Eve.   


     That year, an offering was taken to help with a person's hospitalization.  Two people became co-chairpersons of the church extension campaign.


1986-1987, 125th-126th years. No data yet.


1988, 127th years. The year began with the conclusion of Watch Night Service & Holy Communion.  On January 10th, Temperance League provided a speaker for the Sunday School hour. On January 17th, Living Water Gospel Singers provided a concert for evening worship.  On February 17th, there was a Valentine's Party for the youth. On Sunday, March 20th, Rev. Anne Eason & The Wesley Foundation presented the morning worship service. Carter's Chapel provided a fellowship dinner and generous offering for this worthy organization.  On Easter: Resurrection Service was followed by breakfast, then Sunday School.  Bell Choir and an Easter egg hunt for the Youth gave a Cantata. April 29th through May 1st was a weekend revival with evangelist Jimmie Rose.  Mr. Ben Russell provided the special music; the average attendance was 33. 


     All mothers of the congregation were honored with a token gift on Mother's Day; all fathers of the community were honored on Father's Day.  Pastor and wife were honored with a birthday party in conjunction with May Administrative Council Meeting.  


      Bell Choir presented a program at Elsmere Baptist Church Sunday evening, July 10th. Homecoming featured The Good News Band Gospel Singers and Carter's Chapel talent.  Charge Conference was on August 28th; all records are in order.


     On September 17th, the church served lunch at a sale.  Annual Day at the Methodist Home, we honored Carter's Chapel for the highest Per Capita giving in the Covington District.  Bell Choir presented a program at Concord UMC on September 18th.  On October 2nd, Bell Choir presented a gospel music program for Homecoming Services at Kenton Baptist Church.  On October 9th, Laity provided the entire service. The Halloween party for the youth was on the 23rd.  Bell Choir presented the Nicholson Church of Christ program on Sunday evening, October 30th. 


     Carter's Chapel was the host of Community Thanksgiving Services.  The pastor of Gardnersville Christian Church provided the evening message. Gideons International presented a program on November 20th.    


     On Sunday, December 12th, Bell Choir presented a Christmas program for Regency Manor Rest Home and Williamsburg Baptist Church.  Carter's Chapel provided Christmas gifts for the Ida Spence Mission and Methodist Home of Kentucky.  Sunday, December 18th, was the date of fellowship supper, every member canvass, and Christmas program.  New Year's Eve Watch Night Service looked forward to 1989.   

     In 1988 storm damaged the rear of the church's aluminum siding.  When repairs were made, the remainder of the church was covered with vinyl siding.  The first Sunday of July was designated 'Building Fund' Sunday to replenish funds depleted in the repair of the church; very successful. New lights & exhaust fans were put in restrooms. New floodlights were put up at the rear of the church.


     Deaths:  Mr. Jesse McMillian & Mr. Eugene Spegal passed on to eternal reward.


1989, 128th year. No data yet.   


1990, 129th year. At least one person joined the church on May 13th, 1990. 


1991, 130th year. In 1991 there was at least one wedding at Carter's Chapel. 


1992, 131st year, through 1996, 135th year. No data yet.


1997, 136th year. Youth & Laity Sunday was observed at Carter's Chapel, with many participating in the two services. On the evening of November 30th, Bell Choir was at Wilmington Baptist. December 14th was Women's Sunday. Bell Choir went to Regency Manor that afternoon; that night, Piner Baptist. Christmas party, gift exchange & dinner was on the 21st. Two members of Carter's Chapel passed away in November.  And will be sadly missed. 


1998, 137th year. Best Wishes & a check went to District Committee as a farewell gift to the Brewers. Sunday, May 10th, was Mother's Day.  Additional information would soon be available for the front door project. The annual Conference was held in June at the Gault House in Louisville, KY. 


1999, 138th year. Darla McFadden Gospel Ministry presented morning worship on March 14th; a freewill offering was received to support this Ministry. Handbell practice followed; also scheduled for March 28th. Saturday, April 3rd, there was an Easter Egg Hunt. Services on the 4th began early with Resurrection Service, breakfast, Sunday School, Easter Program & morning worship. Pastor's Appreciation Banquet was on the evening of April 17th. On April 18th, a speaker from Gideons International was at Carter's Chapel for the morning worship hour; a generous offering was taken up to support that Ministry. April 25th was Earth Stewardship Sunday & Day of Prayer for the Farming Community. Administrative Council meeting followed church service; theme: W W J D?  A lay member was in charge of worship Sunday, April 30th, in the pastor's absence.  


     VBS was July 19th through 23rd from six to nine each evening for Kindergarten through 8th grade. Average attendance was sixty-five Sunday evening. Eighty-five people filled the sanctuary for the closing celebration. There was an Administrative Council meeting on July 25th. In August, the United Methodist Mountain Mission truck was in the area.  A member of the church made a quilt for the Methodist Home. This had been entered in the Grant County Fair and won a blue ribbon. Sunday School/VBS Picnic was at 5:00 in Grant Co. Park on September 18th.   


     Homecoming schedule for September 26th: 10:30 Sunday School, 11:30 morning worship, 12:45 picnic lunch, 2:00 Homecoming Service.  The Forgiven Trio provided gospel music for both 11:00 & 2:00 services. Charge Conference was an all-day Saturday, October 16th, at the Ramada Inn in Maysville, KY. Laity Sunday was October 17th.  Administrative Council meeting followed morning worship on October 24th.  Halloween Party for the Youth was that afternoon. Sunday, October 31st, was the last 5th Sunday of this century.   


     On November 7th & 14th, bell practice followed church. Youth participated in the morning worship service on the 21st. Teddy Bears were collected for the Methodist Home that Sunday.  Following worship, the child served a turkey dinner for all.  Bell Choir practiced Sunday, November 21st. Community Thanksgiving Service was Wednesday evening, November 24th, at Gardnersville Baptist.  The Pastor of Carter's Chapel delivered the message. All three churches provided special music. November 28th gifts for the Methodist Home: white sheets and ball caps were collected Sunday morning. Women In Ministry Sunday was December 5th. Bell Choir was at Wilmington Baptist that evening; also participated in the "Independence Christmas Walk" Wednesday evening, December 8th. On the afternoon of the 12th, Bells were played at Ridgeway Manor. Bell Choir was part of the Christmas Program at Carter's Chapel on December 19th.  There was also an eight to ten-dollar gift exchange & supper that evening. 


 2000, 139th year. Methodist Mountain Mission truck was in the Covington District. Bell choir practiced on January 16th.  The Children's Valentine's Party was held during Sunday School on the 13th. A visit to Regency Manor was at 2:30 PM. Handbell practice was after church service on February 27th.  On the 12th, Bell Choir practice at the church was followed by an afternoon trip to Regency Manor; Sunday, March 19th, at Carmel Manor; Grant Manor, March 26th. Official VBS T-shirts could be ordered.  


     Daylight Savings time began April 2nd. Lay Speaker training was at Asbury UMC. On April 9th, a representative of the Gideons was at Carter's Chapel; an extensive freewill offering was taken up to support that work.  Lent ended on April 15th. Palm Sunday started Holy Week: April 16th through the 22nd. Easter Egg Hunt was on Saturday afternoon, April 22nd. Schedule for April 23rd:  Resurrection Service, then breakfast, Sunday School, Easter Program, followed by morning worship service.  Pictures were taken of the Bell Choir, also a group picture of the congregation for inclusion in Bishop Morgan's Kentucky Memory Scrapbook. Bell Choir went to Cane Manor Rest Home for Easter Services. April 30th, the Sunday School offering went to The Methodist Home of KY in memory of a Carter's Chapel member who recently passed away. 


     Methodist Mountain Mission truck was in the area. Sunday afternoon, June 11th, the bell choir went to Regency Manor. Ms. Parsons provided special music for morning worship at Carter's Chapel on Father's Day, the 18th.  


     Son Zone, Vacation Bible School 2000 was from July 10th through 15th. Average attendance was 56, with 74 at Commencement Activities Saturday evening. On July 30th, the Sunday morning offering went to the Methodist Homes of KY to support the youth & children. Church officers were nominated for 2001. Sunday School Picnic was on August 20th at Grant County Park in Crittenden, KY. The meal was at 1:00 or as soon as it could be put on the tables following worship service.   Charge Conference was scheduled for September 10th.  Saturday, September 16th, Carter's Chapel sold food items at a member's auction. Homecoming on September 24th began with Sunday worship. Forgiven Trio provided special music. Brother Epperson was the morning speaker. The Trio also sang for the 2:00 service.


     October 22nd was Administrative Council Meeting, followed by Bell Choir practice. October 29th was Fifth Sunday; Sunday School offering went to the support of the Methodist Home. Halloween Party was on the 29th. On November 5th & 12th, handbell practice was after morning worship. November 19th was Youth Sunday, with the youth participating in the worship service during which Teddy Bears were collected for the United Methodist Home. The Youth also served lunch. Bell Choir practiced at 1:15 PM. Community Thanksgiving Services were hosted by Carter's Chapel at 7:30 PM Wednesday, November 22nd. The Fifth Sunday offering was taken for the Home to have those funds for Christmas. 


     Women In Ministry Sunday, December 3rd; a Fifth Sunday offering to the Methodist Home was observed for those funds to arrive by Christmas. Bell Choir practice followed worship service.  On the 9th, there was a Christmas card exchange. The youth sorted & handed out the cards. That evening, Christmas carols, hot chocolate, etc., were on the agenda.  On the 10th, hand bell choir practice at 12:45 PM, then Regency Manor at 2:30, Wilmington Baptist at 7:00 PM. Christmas Program at Carter's Chapel with Bell Choir at 5:00 PM Sunday, December 17th. Also, in the last months of 2000, Laity Sunday.


2001, 140th year. United Methodist Mission truck was in the Covington area in January. Carter's Chapel's Children's Valentine Party was Sunday morning, February 11th, at 9:00. Lent began February 28th. March 11th, 12:45 Bell practice, 2:30 Regency Manor. March 18th, 12:45 Bell practice, Regency Manor, 2:30 PM. March 25th, Gideon representative was the speaker for morning worship, open Bible offering following service. Carter's Chapel was now officially on the internet.  


     Palm Sunday was April 8th. Good Friday, the 13th. Easter Egg Hunt, the afternoon of April 14th. The morning of the 15th:  Resurrection Service followed by breakfast, Sunday School, Easter Program, then worship. Carter's Chapel was planning a pictorial annual. 


     VBS was from six to nine Monday, July 9th, through Friday, July 13th. Closing ceremonies were Sunday, the 14th. Average attendance of 54 persons - low attendance 50 - high 56.  38 Youth attended during the week, with 31 as increased attendance. Carter's Chapel no longer has a rural route and box number; it now has a street address; 1044 Carter's Chapel Road, Demossville 41033.  


The Forgiven Trio, a gospel group from Cincinnati, also Ms. Parsons, a soloist from Georgetown, provided special music for Homecoming Sunday, September 30th. 


     The KY Methodist Children's Home recognized Carter's Chapel UMC as an outstanding contributor.  The walnut plaque was presented to the church by the Covington DS on September 8th; this is the first time that award has ever been given.  


      As the President requested prayer for the nation on Friday, September 14th, Carter's Chapel held a national prayer service.  Candles lighted.  Several scriptures were read.  Holding hands, the congregation repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison.  


     Another set of bells was purchased for the Bell Choir, making an additional octave available for music played.  Laity Sunday was October 21st; baseball caps were collected for the Methodist Home. Youth Sunday was November 18th; teddy bears were collected for the children at the Methodist Home.  Community Thanksgiving Service was at Gardnersville Christian Church; Wednesday evening, November 21st. Women in Ministry Sunday was December 2nd; contributions of twin-size white sheet sets were collected for the United Methodist Home children. The church annual was being printed.  Carter's Chapel Christmas program was on December 16th and included a fellowship supper and an eight-dollar gift exchange.  "Wise men still seek him." THE average SS attendance for 2001 was twenty-six, two less than 2000.  Average worship attendance is thirty-two, three more than in the year 2000.

Carters Chapel United Methodist Church

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