2002, 141st year. Visited Regency Manor on January 13th. This year's target interests for Carter's Chapel include fellowship addition, increased membership, more youth activities, new lettering on the bulletin board, repair, and resealing the parking lot. United Methodist Mission truck was in the area. At least one church member passed away in January. And will be sadly missed.
New church annuals were available for three dollars and fifty cents. Pancake and waffle breakfast was on February 10th; afterward, Youth celebrated Valentine's Day. Bell Choir practiced on March 3rd; also 10th. Bulletin quote, please pray for ten people before Easter! I visited Regency Manor that afternoon. Bell Choir practiced on March 17th. Six Youths were welcomed as full members on Palm Sunday. Bell Choir practiced after morning worship on the 24th. Good Friday service was at 7:00 on March 29th. Easter Egg Hunt was Saturday afternoon. March 31st Easter schedule: Resurrection service 7:00 AM, breakfast 8:15 AM, Sunday School 9:45 AM, Easter program 10:40 AM, morning worship 11:10 AM. Seventy people attended at least one Easter service; many all three.
A special charge conference was conducted at Carter's Chapel for Fellowship building construction; dinner was the following business. Sunday morning, April 21st, a Gideon representative spoke to the congregation. The April 28th bulletin said to share your life through prayer, Bible study ... witness, and ministry. Serve where you see needs in our world!
May 5th was Soil and Water Stewardship Sunday. Bell Choir practiced on May 12th. There was a visit to Regency Manor on Mother's Day. By the 19th of the month, three new church road signs were placed; the decision was to purchase additional Carter's Chapel signs. Also, new door locks have been installed in the church building. Offering June 2nd went into the building fund with the Ceremonial Groundbreaking at 2:00 PM. About four thousand dollars was collected in addition to a nearly matching amount previously collected.
An additional sum was received toward the building fund in mid-June. Soloist Parsons sang for the worship service on Sunday, June 23rd. Adult Sunday School Class did the first thirty discipleship exercises from the Billy Graham Bible Study. June 30th was a Fifth Sunday; SS offering went to the Methodist Home. That day they also marked the beginning of a new conference year.
Fun, food, and fellowship; VBS July 8th through 12th, with closing activities on July 14th. Average attendance was 53 for the five sessions (Adult Bible study was included in this year's Vacation Bible School). At least one death was recorded in the congregation in July. Work began on the new building on July 23rd. Average attendance at VBS was 53; closing activities 65. On August 11th, a new Youth ministry officially began. Pastor met with DS on August 13th. August 25th was Carter's Chapel Charge Conference, with Keith Switzer presiding. Sunday, September 8th, was the 911-anniversary memorial service.
The new baby arrived in the Carter's Chapel congregation on September 10th. Bell Choir practiced on September 22nd. The delivery date for metal building parts was September 27th. Four good men needed to unload the truck. Cemetery care officers reviewed and updated the pricing policy for burial plots. Forgiven Trio from Cincinnati, soloists Parsons, Martin, Epperson, and Bell Choir all provided music for Homecoming; Rev. Epperson was the featured morning speaker. Concrete work on the new building has been finished, and part of the walls are up.
Children's church is a brief lesson at the beginning of the worship service. The 5th Sunday offering was taken on October 6th. Bell Choir practiced. The 20th was Laity Sunday; Mr. Shotwell led the service. Professional sports caps for children of the Methodist Home were collected. Bell Choir practiced then and also on the 27th. There was a Halloween program. Community Thanksgiving service at Gardnersville Baptist was also on that date.
On Sunday, November 3rd (or 10th), five members were added to the congregation; two full members; three preparatory. Quite a few friends and family swelled the community to share in the event. Bell Choir practiced on November 10th and 17th. The 24th was Youth Sunday; teddy bears were collected for the Methodist Home. Bell Choir practiced. There were at least two deaths in early November.
The siding has been put on the new building; ready for the roof, weather permitting. On December 1st, the congregation collected money to buy Christmas items for a family who lost their home and most of the contents during a recent Gallatin County storm. Bell Choir practiced; played at Wilmington Baptist that day; for Independence Walk the 6th; St. Patrick, December 7th. The 8th was Women In Ministry Sunday; Christmas cards were given to the Youth at Carter's Chapel to be sorted. Bell Choir practiced; played at Hickory Grove Baptist Church on the 8th.
Mr. Penick delivered items for the Methodist Home on the 9th. Open hearts, open doors ... people of the United Methodist Church TV ads began to air on December 11th. Carter's Chapel Youth passed out Christmas cards on the evening of December 14th. Bell Choir practiced on the 15th; played at Gardnersville Baptist that evening.
The Saturday before Christmas, the roof and exterior of the new building were completed, except for part of the trim work.
Carter's Chapel Christmas Program was Sunday evening, December 22nd; white, twin sheet sets were collected for the Methodist Home. There was a gift exchange, eight to ten-dollar price range; meat and cheese trays were provided, and people attending brought vegetables, salads, or desserts. Year-end reports were completed at the close of the December 29th Sunday morning service.
2003, 142nd year. There were at least two deaths in late January and early February. Sunday, February 9th, there was Valentine's pancake breakfast. Because of snow and ice storms, church services were canceled on February 16th and 23rd. March 2nd communion; these services were the first Sunday of every month. Compassion Quartet from Georgetown provided gospel music for the morning worship on March 16th; a fellowship lunch followed the service; Bell Choir practiced afterward. March 23rd bulletin: "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be in heaven... Matthew 18:18." Bell Choir practiced. March 30th was a Fifth Sunday; SS offering was earmarked for the Methodist Home.
A Gideons International representative spoke at Carter's Chapel on April 6th; an open Bible offering was taken following the benediction. Bell Choir practiced that day, well as on April 13th. Easter Egg Hunt was Saturday, April 19th. April 20th began with Resurrection Service followed by Easter breakfast, Sunday School, Easter program, and morning worship. Bell Choir presented a program at Regency Manor. Trim has been added to the new building. Steps for the back door were in progress, and painting the outside walls and electrical work was also underway.
There was an open house reception at Carter's Chapel on June 8th in honor of one of the young people. Father's Day was June 15th. June 29th was a Fifth Sunday; SS offering went to the Methodist Children's Home in Versailles. That date marked the beginning of Rev. and Mrs. Clos's 35th year in ministry as a pastoral family at Carter's Chapel.
July 6th bulletin pointed out, "The last two words in American, I can." VBS was the week of July 7th, and the new building was far enough along that it could be utilized, although the ramp wasn't entirely done, and it did not yet have air conditioning. July 26th was the second annual church rummage sale. Regency Manor was visited Sunday, August 10th. Charge Conference was August 24th, DS Reffett presiding; fellowship dinner followed. The following singers: Melissa Martin, Penny Thomas, and her daughter Sarah, Ashley Parsons, provided special music on September 14th. Bulletin quote, Faith doesn't get you around trouble; it gets you through it.
Carter's Chapel Homecoming was September 28th. Special music was provided by The Forgiven Trio, soloist Ashley Parsons, also the County Line Ramblers. Ms. Riles-Smith spoke at Carter's Chapel on September 7th.
Rev. Finley Isaacs, the pastor of Morning View UMC, was available for pastoral care during the pastor's absence. Wilmington Baptist Church, Fiskburg, donated a new organ from their parsonage for Carter's Chapel sanctuary. Carter's Chapel was the Church of the Week in the KY Post. Regency Manor was visited. October 12th through 18th was designated Marriage Protection Week. Mr. Epperson delivered collected items to the Methodist Home. Bell Choir practiced on October 26th. The Halloween party was also on that date. Carter's Chapel was one of the ten congregations selected (invited) to lead the Covington District in implementing Bishop King's growth plan for KY United Methodist congregations; the group met with him at Asbury UMC Wednesday, October 29th.
Bell Choir practiced on November 9th. On November 16th, baseball caps were collected for the Methodist Home. Bell Choir practiced. On November 23rd, teddy bears were collected for the children of the Methodist Home. Bell Choir practiced. Community Thanksgiving Service was on November 26th; Carter's Chapel was the host church this year, providing cookies, cakes, cheese balls, pop, and refreshments. On November 30th white twin sheet sets were collected for the Methodist Home; since it was a Fifth Sunday, SS offering also went to that organization. Bell Choir practiced.
Bell Choir played for Independence Walk on December 5th; St. Patrick's Church on December 6th. Bell Choir practiced December 7th and played for Wilmington Baptist that same date. Bell Choir played at Brooksville UMC on December 14th. Christmas at Carter's Chapel was on the evening of December 21st—gift exchange price range: ten to fifteen dollars.
2004, 143rd year. 2nd Phase of the new building's electrical inspection is now complete. Blackwood Legacy Singers provided gospel music Sunday, January 11th. Bell Choir practiced on January 18th. Mountain Mission truck picked up used items donated to the Eastern KY Missions program. Bell Choir practiced on January 25th.
Valentine's pancake breakfast was on the 8th; the Youth Valentine program was during the Sunday School hour. Bell Choir practiced. Regency Manor was visited. Bell Choir practiced on February 22nd and played for Oak Ridge Baptist evening service. On February 26th, the PPR committee met with DS at Taylor Mill UMC. Since February had five Sundays, only
very twenty-eight years, a certificate of attendance would later be presented to everyone attending worship services all five Sundays.
There were coffee and doughnuts for breakfast before Sunday School on March 7th. Bell Choir practiced. There was a visit to Regency Manor Sunday, March 14th. The Errett Family Singers were at the 11:00 AM service Sunday, March 21st. Bell Choir practiced on March 28th.
There were coffee and doughnuts for breakfast before Sunday School on April 4th. The Easter Egg Hunt was Saturday, April 10th. Easter services included the Resurrection service, breakfast, Sunday School, Easter program, and morning worship. Bulletin Message: May you have faith in your troubled day and hope it lasts until all shadows fade away... There was a visit to Regency Manor on April 11th. Gideon Representative Marksberry was the speaker on April 18th; an open Bible offering for that organization was received at the service's close. April 25th was Soil Conservation Sunday. Compassion Quartet from Georgetown provided music for Carter's Chapel; a fellowship lunch followed the service.
There were coffee and doughnuts for breakfast before Sunday School on May 2nd. Food pantry items for NKU Wesley were received. Everyone you meet is on God's most wanted list... quote from the May 9th bulletin. Dallas Epperson sang at Carter's Chapel on Mother's Day. There was a visit to Regency Manor on Mother's Day. Mr. Shotwell was the speaker on May 23rd. There were coffee and doughnuts for breakfast before Sunday School on June 6th. Mr. Shotwell was in charge of morning worship. One church family lost their home due to a fire; the collection was taken up to help them. On June 13th, one of the ten timeless values the Disciple Line team emphasized was Holy Scripture in daily life.
VBS was the week of July 5th. Mission project collects personal items for the children at the Methodist Home; goal -- more than one vehicle can deliver to that home. VBS closing activities were Sunday evening, July 11th.
On August 8th, one person was baptized, then two became members, one by transfer, the other by profession of faith. Regency Manor was visited. United Mountain Mission truck was in the area in mid-August. Sunday, August 22nd, was the Charge of Conference preparation. One longtime member of Carter's Chapel recently passed away. And will be sadly missed. August 29th's Sunday School offering was earmarked for the children at the Methodist Home. Treasurer's report closed at the end of the month for Charge Conference Audit activities.
Sunday, September 5th, there was coffee and doughnuts before the Sunday School hour. Bell Choir practiced on September 12th. There was a visit to Regency Manor that same Sunday. Forgiven Trio and soloists Ms. Parsons and Mrs. Martin provided special music for Carter's Chapel Homecoming on September 26th.