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1972, 111th year. The Bracken-Pendelton Co. Hymn Sing was held at the church on January 15th. The Kentucky Temperance League speaker gave a program on February 6th. Dr. Perry baptized 2 Girls on March 19th.  


     That summer, church parking spaces got a coating of gravel. The bulletin board and simulated Crosses of Calvary were repainted in August.  Repair and reseeding of the cemetery were in progress. A parameter set ~ also offering plates ~ was purchased.  A new furnace was put in. Pulpit flowers and Bible were given to the church at Christmas. Lecterns were given to the church.  Every member canvass was conducted.


1973, 112th year. From May 7th through 13th, evangelist Donald Tipton conducted revival services.  7 Decisions were made. There was a Sunday School picnic and a trip to the Cincinnati Zoo on May 20th.  Southern Aires gospel program was on June 3rd. 2 People joined the church on June 10th. On August 27th Dr. Perry and Rev. Clos baptized and accepted another member.  That fall, there was a Halloween social and fellowship supper. The Bracken-Pendelton Co. Hymn Sing was on November 18th. Goodwill project for Christmas:  gifts for the Methodist Home at Versailles, KY.  Carter's Chapel's Christmas program on December 17th, with gift exchange and fellowship supper followed ~ by Christmas caroling the next week on the 23rd. Star of Light pins were given for perfect Sunday School attendance at the end of 1973.  


 That year the church was presented with a fan, doors, and a statue of Christ. Old windows were being removed while new ones were being made. Carter's Chapel purchased a sweeper, a light for the piano, and a mower. Death claimed two members: Mr. Louis Tungate and Mr. James Bailey.


1974, 113th year.  On March 16th, The Bracken-Pendelton Co. Hymn Sing was held at Carter's Chapel. On June 2nd, the congregation went to the pastor's home for a cook-out after worship. The Sunday School Picnic was at Big Bone Park on July 13th.  A Sunday evening, October 21st, the program featured a KY State Police representative who explained the effects of drugs on the individual and society. There was a Halloween social at the Crittenden Fire House on the 26th. On November 11th, The Fuller Family from Lexington presented a gospel music program. The Community Thanksgiving service was held at Carter's Chapel on November 21st.  Speaker Rev. Winters from Gardnersville Christian used slides as illustrations for the Thanksgiving holiday. Gifts went to the Methodist Children's Home in KY. Every member canvass, gift exchange, fellowship dinner, and program were on December 23rd.  The church got new silverware at Christmas.  

     That same year windows were installed in the sanctuary; memorial plaques (identifying the donor or placing in memorial of loved ones) were ordered for windows and doors. More work was done on the cemetery grounds.   

     Death claimed the following members:  Mrs. Clara Mann, Mrs. Lillian Cooke, Mr. A.W. Cornelius, and Mrs. Minnie Sayers.


1975, 114th year. The Bowles Family Gospel Singers sang at the church on Sunday afternoon, January 19th. A representative of the KY Temperance League was present for service on the 26th. Several Carter's Chapel members attended the District Rally at Florence UMC & heard Bishop Roberts speak.  On April 26th, Keith Staton of Hamilton, OH, presented a gospel music program. On May 25th, the preacher hosted a cook-out for the congregation at his home. Rev. Robert C. Pugh was the evangelist for the revival held from August 26th to the 31st. Rev. & Mrs. Raymound Gibson, campus minister of Union College, were in attendance on Sunday for the 11:00 service.   


     Young people had a hay ride and wiener roast at the park in Crittenden on July 12th. Sunday School picnic was at Big Bone. Homecoming featured The Bowles Family Gospel Singers.  Keith Staton and Rev. Stanley Patterson spoke at the event. The Edon Shale Group Witness Team presented a program at the church Sunday evening, October 5th. The Bracken-Pendelton Co. Hymn Sing was held at Carter's Chapel on November 16th. Several gifts and a check were given to The Methodist Home of KY.  The annual member canvass was conducted on December 22nd. There was also a fellowship supper, Christmas program & gift exchange. 


     The church bell and new steps for the rear door were erected in July 1975; all funds and work were donated. That year too, 100 Spiritual Power Hymn books were donated as memorials.  Identification memorial plaques were put on windows and doors.  Eagle and cross for flag poles were given.  A half dozen unique music songbooks were also presented to Carter's Chapel.   

     Death:  Mrs. Julia Spegal passed away on May 22nd.


1976, 115th year. In March, the young people had a wiener roast. Two restrooms, a rebuilt pulpit, a new cistern, three Sunday School rooms, and wall-to-wall carpet had been completed. So there was a dedicated service for the projects. The Heavenly Sounds provided special music at the event, a message delivered by Dr. Walton Gardner.  


     On Easter, there was a sunrise service & breakfast.  The Bracken Pendelton County Hymn Sing was that May. A couple of weeks later, the pastor hosted a cook-out.  The following week church membership increased by one transfer to Carter's Chapel.  


     When Old Timer's Day rolled around, participants dressed in period clothes. Festivities celebrating the US Bicentennial Birthday included Col. Sanders's fried chicken. Children, some wearing pioneer bonnets, sang and spoke tribute to God and country.  There was a bell-ringing ceremony commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Afternoon services closed with communion.


     In August, the Sunday School had a picnic & hay ride to the park in Crittenden. In September, Rev. Harry Glazier from The Gideons International presented a program; a freewill offering was donated to further Gideon's work.  Rev. Finley Isaacs, the pastor of Morningview UMC, served as an evangelist for revival that month. The annual Halloween party was held at a member's home. ***One of Carter's Chapel's own returned from four years of Navy duty to find a surprise dinner given in his honor.  ***The Gardnersville Community  Thanksgiving Service was at Carter's Chapel. Rev. Underhill, the pastor of Gardnersville Christian, delivered the message.  All three churches provided special music. The church took a check and several gifts to The Methodist Home of KY.  Carter's Chapel annuals were ready in December. The new public address system was too. Member canvass, Christmas program & supper were all that month. In 1976 10 additional Spiritual Power hymn books commemorating loved ones were given to the church.  The Bailey family presented Carter's Chapel with a new electric organ, a gift in memory of Stanley, Ruth Bailey, and James Bailey. Additional work was done on the cemetery and grave markers.  An extensive drive was being conducted to place the cemetery in perpetual care.   

     Deaths:  Mr. William Neal, Mrs. Ruth Bailey, and Mrs. Lois Bowen.


1977, 116th year. In January, a Temperance League of KY speaker spoke at the church. An offering was taken. Bad weather and the inability to get propane resulted in water shut off during severe weather ~ forcing evening services to be discontinued. Easter Sunrise services closed with communion.  Breakfast followed. The Green Family Singers presented a program on April 24th.


     In May, there was a Sunday School picnic and hay ride at the park in Crittenden. June Annual conference returned the preacher to the church for his ninth consecutive year. Old Timer's Day was July 3rd.  Col. Sanders supplied the fried chicken. Later that month, three members were received by transfer. Homecoming was August 28th; guest speaker Robert C. Pugh, pastor of Asbury UMC. Special music was enjoyed throughout the services. On the morning of September 4th, three people were baptized & one of those joined a church that evening. 


     Dr. Henson conducted the Annual Charge Conference on October 4th.  On the 15th, Carter's Chapel hosted The Bracken-Pendelton Co. Hymn Sing. Rev. Frank T. Harris, pastor of Concord UMC & Rev. Clos exchanged pulpits for the morning worship service on October 23rd ~ emphasizing the pension crusade. Carter's Chapel accepted 100% of the Conference asks. The Halloween party was held at a family residence. On the 30th, Mr. Delbert Cox was at the church representing the Gideons; the offering was donated for Gideon's work.  Community Thanksgiving Services were held at Gardenersville Christian Church on Wednesday evening, the 23rd. The interim pastor of the Gardnersville Baptist Church brought the message then, and Carter's Chapel provided the special music. By December 1977, church annuals had been printed and delivered.  On the 18th, every-member commitment, gift exchange, Christmas program & fellowship supper took place.  A check and a large box of gifts went to the Methodist Home of KY.  Fire destroyed an area home, and Carter's Chapel was donated to help victims rebuild. In 1977 the church attic was insulated.  A sink and cabinets were presented in the middle Sunday School room.  Cemetery care was officially incorporated. 


1978, 117th year.  Several church services were canceled due to severe winter weather. Sunrise Services, breakfast, and Holy Communion highlighted Easter worship. On April 30th, a member of Florence Christian Church joined Carter's Chapel via transfer. There was a wedding at the church on May 5th, pastor officiated. Cook-out & hay ride were at the park in Crittenden on June 4th. On the third Sunday of June, the preacher began his 10th year as pastor. On Saturday, July 1st, Carter's Chapel joined Gardnersville Baptist Church for Centennial Services. The Fourth was celebrated at Carter's Chapel on Sunday, the 2nd, with a Col. Sanders chicken dinner. Dr. Harold Henson brought the morning message for Homecoming on August 27th. Afternoon services were presented by Rev. Gale Gaines, also two laypeople and singers from Sherman Full Gospel Assembly. On the evening of September 3rd, Rev. Glenn Forbes' program topic was ~ the Preservation of Country Churches and Schools.   

Mr. George Hall represented the Gideons as a guest speaker Sunday, September 10th; freewill offering that morning went to further their work. Thursday, September 27th Dr. Henson conducted Annual Charge Conference. Rev. John Smith, pastor of            Eggleston UMC, was the evangelist for the revival from October 2nd to the 8th.  There was special music each evening.          Later on the 28th,  The Bracken-Pendelton Hymn Sing was held at Carter's Chapel.


 Rev. Clos spoke for Community Thanksgiving Services at Gardnersville Baptist on November 22nd. All three churches provided special music. December saw the church annuals printed.  The yearly Christmas program, fellowship supper, and gift exchange were on Sunday evening, the 17th.  Money and several presents were sent to the Methodist Home for Christmas. By now, a new sign was placed at the front of the church, and aluminum siding was put on the show and back of the building. New exterior doors had been hung. Robinson Glass Co. of Newport installed storm windows before bad weather.  A paint and fix-up crew was working on the exterior of the building and grounds. During the year, one member transferred membership to the Walton KY UMC. 


     Deaths:  Mrs. Margaret Epperson and Mrs. Lavinia Gibson passed to their rewards.


1979, 118th year.  On February 17th, a delegation from Carter's Chapel attended the Sunday School Caring Workshop at Asbury Church. The spring season was ushered in with Easter Sunrise Service, breakfast, and morning worship.  The Business Men's Gospel Quartet of Cincinnati sang for church service on April 22nd. Saturday evening, May 12th, the Southern Aires Gospel Quartet from Dayton presented a special music program. Annual cook-out & hay ride were held on the 29th of that month. Carter's Chapel had a delegate to Annual Conference in Richmond, Ky the 5th through the 8th. The pastor began his eleventh year that month. 1 Person joined the church on June 10th.  Old Timer's Day was held on July 1st.  Col. Sanders furnished fried chicken. The Pendelton-Bracken Co. Hymn Sing was at Carter's Chapel that same month on the 21st.


     The Methodist Home presented a program at the church on August 19th.  For Homecoming Sunday, the 26th, the Business Men's Gospel Quartet of Cincinnati sang at the morning worship service. That afternoon there were short talks by past ministers and friends.  Special music was provided by Rev. Gale Gaines from Sherman Full Gospel Assembly and Shirley Cummins. 


     On September 9th, three people joined the church.  Later that same day, a 50th-anniversary party was celebrated at the Masonic Hall in Fiskburg. On Friday evening, September 28th, DS Eugene P. Barbour presided over Charge Conference.  There was a hay ride and wiener roast on October 14th. And a Halloween Party on the 28th.   

     Community Thanksgiving Service was held Wednesday evening, November 21st, at Carter's Chapel. Three churches were well represented. Gardnersville Baptist, Gardnersville Christian, and Carter's Chapel provided special music. Rev. R. Underhill of Gardnersville Christian brought the message.  Annuals were printed in December. The Young Adult Class was started on Sunday, December 2nd. Gifts and a check were sent to the Methodist home for Christmas. Carter's Chapel UMC was ninth in the Covington KY District in support of the Methodist Home in 1978. The annual Christmas program, fellowship supper, and gift exchange highlighted the evening of the 23rd.


     In 1979 a couple exchanged marriage vows at the Chapel.  Monthly communion services were instituted. Two members each donated land to the Carter's Chapel Cemetery that spring.  New gates were installed around the cistern. A line fence was built at the edge of the cemetery.   

     Death:  Mr. John Stephens was laid to rest.


1980, 119th year. The 1979 Annual was received in January. Due to severe weather, expected attendance was curtailed in late February for a Proclaim the Work revival; Rev. David Bierly, pastor of Augusta UMC evangelist. On Saturday, April 5th, a couple exchanged marriage vows at Carter's Chapel in the pastor's presence.  Sunrise Service, breakfast, and Easter egg hunt highlighted the services on Sunday, the 6th. On May 18th, the annual cookout and hay ride was enjoyed by the Youth.   


     Carter's Chapel had a representative at Annual Conference at Moorehead University.  The pastor began his 12th consecutive year. Evangelist Jimmy Rose brought the morning message Sunday, June 17th. On July 13th, one person transferred membership to Carter's Chapel. Evangelist Jimmy Rose preached a revival in August from the 13th through the 17th.  Homecoming services were on the 31st of the month.   


     At least two people joined the church in 1980.  Membership ranged the age gamut from 1 to 92. Several adults and all the Youth received 'New Life in Christ' jackets.  In July and August, the church interior was remodeled.  


     Bishop Duffey visited Carter's Chapel that year.  A longtime member states, "District Superintendents have come here before, but it's unusual for a Bishop to visit a small church like this."  According to some members ~  for as long as they can remember, the church has been on the Honor Roll of the KY Conference. 

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